Why do I still get no earnings after running a node for a while?
If your node is running normally, but the earning is still zero after 24 hours, we recommend that you check the node status through Titan Network's web console. If the node runs properly, you can contact us via Telegram for help.
Titan Chain 什么时候公开发布?
When will Titan Chain be launched?
In Q2 of 2024
奖励领取将在Titan Chain公开发布后启用,具体日期将另行通知。
When can I claim my rewards?
Reward claiming will be enabled after the official launch of Titan Chain, and the specific date will be announced separately.
我有大量闲置资源,我应该如何贡献给 Titan网络?
如果您拥有大量的带宽资源或未使用的设备,您可以通过发送电子邮件至 info@titannet.io与我们联系。我们非常感谢您的支持和贡献。
How can I contribute to Titan Network when I own a large amount of idle resources?
If you have significant bandwidth resources or unused equipments, you can contact us by sending an email to info@titannet.io. We appreciate your support and contributions.
How can I maximize my earnings?
Your earnings are affected by multiple factors, including network conditions (such as NAT type and bandwidth), online duration, and disk space. You can log in to the Titan Network's web console to optimize your resource configuration and increase your earnings.
Last updated