# Connect Android box via USB
# Check device connection status
adb devices
# Enter adb shell
adb shell
# Get root access
Transfer Files
# Transfer files from computer to Android box
adb push agent-android.zip /sdcard/Download/
# Create directory and extract in adb shell
mkdir -p /data/.titannet
cp /sdcard/Download/agent-android.zip /data/.titannet/
cd /data/.titannet
unzip agent-android.zip
Set Permissions
# Set executable permissions
chmod +x /data/.titannet/agent
Start Titan Agent in Background
# Use nohup command for background operation
nohup /data/.titannet/agent --working-dir=/data/.titannet \
--server-url=https://test4-api.titannet.io \
--key=YOUR_KEY_HERE > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# Verify if process is running
ps | grep agent
To stop the Agent:
# Find process ID
ps | grep agent
# Stop process
kill <process_ID>