Storage Rewards
Rewards based on storage space usage assessed by validator nodes
Calculation (for 12 randomly selected verification windows):
:Total amount of data stored at the time of POA validation (GB)
:Online status coefficient
:Rewards per 30min
: Regional rewards coefficient
: Online loyalty coefficient
: Validation result, 1 if passed, 0 if failed
: Amount of upload data (GB)
: Reward coefficient based on upstream peak bandwidth
:IP type coefficient
:Reward coefficient based on number of nodes under the same IP
Reward Limit: The reward limit for storage capacity is set at 50GB. (Tentative value during the test network period)
No reward for exceeding: If your storage capacity exceeds 50GB, you will not be rewarded for the exceeding part.
In this test network, the rewards for storage are mainly based on the size of the capacity, and not related to the type of hard disk (e.g. HDD, Nvme, SATA, etc.).
Calculation (for 36 no-verification windows):
In the remaining 36 windows, no storage verification is executed.
The reward will be the calculated based on average performance of the most recent 10 actual verifications.
: the average reward of the most recent 10 verifications
: number of verifications used for calculation, here it's 10
: the reward of the th verification