Operation on Linux
🚨Important Note🚨
If you have participated in Herschel testnet earlier, you need to mannually clear previous node data. Otherwise the node will not be able to start. 🚨
If you have never operated Titan node before, just follow the steps below.
The Releases section on our GitHub is the best place to get the latest binary releases and view the source code.
Step 1: Download the CLI
Step 2: Extract the downloaded package
Open Terminal, change the directory to the download folder, and execute the following command to extract:
Step 3: Enter the extracted folder
Use the following command to enter the extracted folder
Step 4: Install Titan Edge
executable to the system directory/usr/local/bin
, so that it can be executed at any location
Step 5: Install the library
Copy th library (assuming its name is
) to the system directory/usr/local/lib
Step 2: Launch the CLI
Step 3: 👉 Apply for an identification code 👈
Step 4: Bind the identification code
Replace your-hash-here with the obtained identification code
Step 5: Stop the node