L1 Node Operation Tutorial

Titan Node Installation and Launch Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the process of downloading, configuring, and starting the Titan L1 node software. Please follow the steps below and ensure all network requirements are met.

Network Requirements

Before you begin, please ensure the following ports are open on your network firewall or router to ensure proper communication between nodes:

9000 TCP: For communication between nodes.

2345 TCP/UDP: For node broadcasting and data synchronization.

Step 1: Download the titan-L1 Software

First, open your Linux terminal and use the following command to download the latest version of the titan-L1 software:

Step 2: Set Execution Permissions

After downloading, you need to set the correct execution permissions for the program file so that it can run smoothly. Enter the following command:

chmod 0755 titan-candidate

Step 3: Configure Storage Environment Variables

The Titan program needs to know the location of where the data is being stored. Depending on your system environment, choose the appropriate storage path and then define the environment variables. For example, if you want to use /mnt/storage as your storage path, you can use the following command:

export TITAN_METADATAPATH=/mnt/storage
export TITAN_ASSETSPATHS=/mnt/storage

Make sure to replace `<storage path>` with your actual path.

Step 4: Run the Program In the Background

After setting up the environment variables, you can start the Titan program. This step requires you to provide a valid code_id, which can be found in your TG/email.

Use the following command to start the program in the background and save the output log to a file:

nohup ./titan-candidate daemon start --init --url https://test-locator.titannet.io:5000/rpc/v0 --code <code_id> > /var/log/candidate.log 2>&1 &

Please replace `<code_id>` with your actual code ID.

Step 5: Request an 👉identity code👈

Step 6: Bind the identity code

Replace the applied identity code with your-hash-here

titan-candidate bind --hash=your-hash-here https://api-test1.container1.titannet.io/api/v2/device/binding

Important Considerations:

  • Ensure that the storage path you choose already exists and that you have the necessary write permissions to use it.

  • All operational outputs will be redirected to /var/log/candidate.log. You can review this log at any time to monitor your program’s status.

  • If you run into any issues during the setup or operation, please double-check your command inputs for accuracy. If problems persist, reach out to our technical support team for help.

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough for setting up and running a Titan node, complete with explanations of network requirements. By following these instructions carefully, you can ensure that your node is properly installed and fully operational. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated