Rules for obtaining node credits
In the Huygens testnet, participants have the opportunity to earn rewards by running a Titan L2 node through two main methods:
The following is a brief overview of these two reward mechanisms:
1. The basic rewards
Definition: Basic rewards are rewards earned for successfully running a Titan L2 node. Rewards increase every 5 seconds.
Reward Distribution Mechanism:
Qualified Nodes: Nodes meeting the minimum resource requirements (at least 1 Mbps of upstream bandwidth and at least 2 GB of storage space) receive the full basic reward.
Unqualified Nodes: Nodes failing to meet the minimum resource requirements receive a discounted basic reward based on the extent of their resource deficiency, ensuring fair reflection of their actual contribution to the network.
2. Resource Reward(Proof of Availability, POA)
Definition: Proof of Availability is the mechanism used by the Titan network to verify the validity of resources and provide services. During the testnet phase, simulated orders are executed by the Titan network scheduler to evaluate the service capabilities of nodes.
Validation and Reward Mechanism:
Validation Frequency: Every half hour of every day (in 30 minute increments)
Random Sampling Validation: L1 nodes randomly sample file fragments stored by L2 nodes and verify file integrity by comparing hash values.
Reward and Penalty:
Reward: Consistently validated nodes receive POA reward credits to encourage the continual maintenance of data integrity encouraging the maintenance of data integrity.
Penalty: Nodes with inconsistent validation will not receive rewards and may face appropriate penalties (there are no penalties in the current testnet), ensuring network quality.
Future Prospects-POA Task Contracts and Reputation Vectors:
The reputation vector is a comprehensive evaluation system that covers multiple dimensions of scoring, such as recent reliability and resource scores (storage, bandwidth, computation), etc. Nodes with high reputation vectors will be prioritized for executing task contracts and will earn higher profits.
Last updated