💰Reward Rules

L1 node reward system adjustment

We have adjusted the reward system of L1 nodes from task allocation system to rental system, and introduced for the first time a penalty mechanism to penalize the stability of nodes and certain cheating behaviors.

L1 node reward rule

Rewards per 5 min

  1. Basic formula:

R5min=RdailyNintervalsARR_{5min}=\frac{R_{daily}}{N_{intervals}} *AR
  1. Definitions:

  • R5minR_{5min}= Rewards per 5 min

  • RdailyR_{daily}= Total Rewards per day (200,000 TNT3)

  • NintervalsN_{intervals}= Number of times rewards are issued per day (288 times) 𝑁 N

  • ARAR= Availability rate(Expressed as a percentage, for example, 95% = 0.95)

  1. Basic rewards calculation:

Rbase=RdailyNintervals=200,000288694.44 TNT3R_{base} = \frac{R_{daily}}{N_{intervals}} = \frac{200,000}{288} \approx 694.44 \text{ TNT3}
  1. Actual rewards calculation:

R5min=Rbase×ARR_{5min} = R_{base} \times AR

Availability Rate

AR=(HparticipatedHtotal)×100%AR = \left( \frac{H_{participated}}{H_{total}} \right) \times 100\%


  • ARAR = Availability Rate

  • HparticipatedH_{participated}= Number of participated heartbeats

  • Htotal H_{total} = Total number of heartbeats the node need to participate, which is 17280 (once every 5 secs)

Rewarding rule

The specific criteria for rewarding based on the availability rate of the node are as follows:

AR = 98% - 100%

- 110% rewards

  • R5min=694.44×AR×1.10R_{5min} = 694.44 \times AR \times 1.10

AR = 95% - 98%

- 100% rewards

  • R5min=694.44×AR R_{5min} = 694.44 \times AR

AR = 85% - 95%

- 80% rewards

  • R5min=694.44×AR×0.80R_{5min} = 694.44 \times AR \times 0.80

AR = 30% - 85%

- 50% rewards

  • R5min=694.44×AR×0.50R_{5min} = 694.44 \times AR \times 0.50

AR < 30%

- No rewards

  • R5min=0R_{5min} = 0

Last updated