🖥️Operation on Windows (CLI)

🚨Important Note🚨

If you have participated in Herschel testnet earlier, you need to mannually clear previous node data. Otherwise the node will not be able to start. 🚨

🔘 Data Cleaning Guide

If you have never operated Titan node before, just follow the steps below.

The Releases section on our GitHub is the best place to get the latest binary releases and view the source code.

Step 1: Download the CLI

Step 2: Extract the downloaded package

  • Use your prefered extractor (e.g., WinRAR or 7-Zip) to extract the package

Step 3: Move goworkerd.dll to the system directory

  • Move goworkerd.dll to C:\Windows\System32 , you may use file explorer to complete this step, or use the following command:

move /y "path\to\goworkerd.dll" "C:\Windows\System32"

Step 4: Launch the CLI

titan-edge daemon start --init --url https://cassini-locator.titannet.io:5000/rpc/v0

Step 6: Bind the Identity Code

Replace your-hash-here with the obtained Identity Code

titan-edge bind --hash=your-hash-here https://api-test1.container1.titannet.io/api/v2/device/binding

Step 7: Stop the Node

titan-edge daemon stop

Last updated